Rutherford, Laura
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If you would like to sign-up or audition for choirs for the 2023-2024 school year, please email Mrs. Rutherford at, or just come talk with Mrs. R in the choir room, Rm 192, near the front offices, across from the big Husky eyes. =)
Welcome to Mrs. Rutherford's Choir Classroom!
We will use Google Classroom throughout the school year. An invite will be sent out to all choir students, using their district email.. If students or parents need the class code, please email Mrs. R.
Contact Information:
I know we are going to have a GREAT year, Huskies! This year we have four fabulous Husky choirs!
Women's Choir -- a non-auditioned choir for Husky ladies in all grades.
Men's Choir -- a non-auditioned choir for guys, and a great opportunity for singers new to choir -- lots of fun!Treble Choir -- advanced, auditioned choir for ladies only, singing in 3-4 parts! This is an auditioned choir second period!
Chamber Singers -- these top Husky singers have been auditioned into this advanced choir with many extra performance opportunities! This class meets third period and is already auditioned for the school year.
Our After-School Ensembles will start-up the third week of school. All are welcome!We also have extra performance opportunities for any GUYS interested in singing in Men's Ensemble after school, whether you're enrolled in a choir class or not! Dates and times will be announced starting the 2nd week of school. and anyone is welcome to join! We are meeting on Tuesdays this year, from 3:45-4:30, anyone is welcome to join at anytime!
Handbells meets after school and is open to all that are interested -- should have basic knowledge of reading music, and be ready for rehearsal with some crazy and fun students! Dates and times will be announced starting the 2nd week of school. All are welcome! We are meeting on Thursdays this school year, from 3:45-5:00, you may join anytime!

We will announce concert dates for the school year at the end of August. Our choir concerts may be recorded and presented virtually, along with an audience in attendance this school year. Thank you for your understanding, and for supporting our CHHS Choirs!
Give 100% in class EVERY DAY! Be an Academic Achiever, Huskies -- work hard and we will create something awesome together."You can do, if you choose to."
Mrs. Laura Rutherford is in her 20th year teaching choral music at Chino Hills High School. She LOVES being a Husky, and has worked to build the choir program from the start, to 200 students in five choirs!Her passion for music has lead her to the classroom, after years of study as a classical pianist and accompanist, member of choral ensembles in the community and church, and singer, dancer, and actress in many community theater productions."Mrs. R" is also excited to be the advisor for the Christians on Campus club."Let music never die in me, forever let my spirit sing!"