Ross, Sandra
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Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Ross
Welcome to Mrs. Ross' Homepage!
Mrs. Ross
Are you struggling?
Students can self-admit to seek help for things such as adjusting to school, issues regarding family or friends, or personal problems by clicking the link to answer a form.
Request Form:
OFFICE HOURS:Monday – Thursday: lunch and after school until 3:00 PM; Friday by appointment only
HOW THINGS WILL WORK:1. Check Google Classroom for all assignments.2. All assignments are due by the due date.3. Access ALL websites through CLASSLINKS.4. Use your SCHOOL EMAIL.5. All PowerPoint presentations and all documents will be stored in Google Classroom.
TURNING IN ASSIGNMENTS:1. Save your document as a PDF.2. GO BACK TO THE ASSIGNMENT in Google Classroom.3. Choose Attach a File and ATTACH your document or picture.4. Turn it in, click SUBMIT THE SECOND TIME WHEN IT ASKS.
SYSTEM LOGIN DIRECTIONS:1. Username: flast (from your email withOUT @ and the rest)2. Password Fl_ _ _ _ _ (last 5 of ID)SCHOOL EMAIL (Outlook) and CLASS NOTEBOOK (One Note):Go to CLASSLINKS1. Click on OFFICE365.2. Username:
3. Password: Fl_ _ _ _ _ (last 5 of ID).4. EMAIL: OUTLOOK5. Class Notebook: One NoteGo to CLASSLINKS1. Click on AERIES.2. Click on this link to set up your account.3. Your CODE is on YOUR COURSE SCHEDULE.GOOGLE CLASSROOM (GC):Go to CLASSLINKS Click on GOOGLE CLASSROOM.2. Username:
3. Password: Fl_ _ _ _ _ (last 5 of ID).
1. Open an internet browser. Copy and paste this link.
2. Create an Account – Teacher Code: see Google Classroom
3. Username:
4. Password: Fl_ _ _ _ _! (normal password with an !)
5. Choose the period you are in.FINANCIAL ALGEBRA EBOOK:
1. Open an internet browser. Copy and paste this link. Enter this Course Key: see Google Classroom assignment
3. Enter your Student ID: flast
4. Create an account.
6. PASSWORD: Fl_ _ _ _ _
7. Go to portal and LAUNCH COURSE.
8. Bookmark the page for easy access.MCGRAW-HILL CONNECTED (IM2):Go to CLASSLINKS Click on McGraw-Hill ConnectEd LTI. Be sure it's LTI.
2. Launch the book.Navigating the e-book:
1. Click above the picture to select the section you need.
2. In Lesson Resources, click on PT for the Personal Tutor. The name of the tutor will be on our notes if PT is being used.
3. Click the back arrow key <-- to get back to the Home Page.FDIC Money Smart (Fin. Alg.):
1. Open an internet browser. Copy and paste this link. Register Now using your school email and your school password.
3. Bookmark the page for easy access.
1. Open an internet browser. Copy and paste this link.
2. Bookmark the page for easy access.
3. Enter the code.
1. Open an internet browser. Copy and paste this link.
2. Bookmark the page for easy access.
3. Enter the Flip Code (top left corner of the page).