
     Welcome to Mrs. Arnold's Classroom


     Contact Information

    Instructor & Work Study Coordinator- Mrs. Stephanie Arnold

    Work Phone: (909)606-7540 ext. 5202

    Call/Text: (909)859-0423

    E-mail - Stephanie_Arnold@chino.k12.ca.us


     Preparation/Conference Period

    For Student and/or Parent Support - 

    3rd and 4th Period Daily 


    Preferred Communication Tools

    Phone-  You can call the school and ask for me during 3rd or 4th period to get ahold of me faster.  You can call/text my personal work line for almost immediate contact as well.  

    E-mail - Stephanie_Arnold@chino.k12.ca.us (e-mail me anytime and I will respond as soon as I can.)  


    Course Syllabus 

    Please Click On The Class You Are Enrolled In - These are updated to reflect the current school year.  

    1st Period Work Study

    2nd Period Government

    2nd Period Economics

    5th Period Study Skills 

    6th Period World History


    Classroom Pages

    Please Click On The Class You Are Enrolled In - Students will then be taken to our Google classroom page.  

    1st Period Work Study

    2nd Period Government

    2nd Period Economics 

    5th Period Study Skills

    6th Period World History

    8th Period IEP Caseload Support


    If you have concerns or questions, please contact me via email. If you need help with projects, assignments and/or studying for tests, let me know and I will do my best to assist you through e-mail or through tutoring.  All red (Workability) and blue (Department of Rehabilitation) packets must be submitted to me in room 202.  Students 16 and older who have an IEP or 504 plan qualify for these programs, which offer paid work experience and funding to support college and career goals.