• Welcome to Ms. Lloyd's Classroom for the 2022-2023 school year.



    ERWC 12 Syllabus

    ERWC 11 Syllabus

    Information about ERWC


    Class Access:

    We will be using Google Classroom to post and submit electronic assignments. Each student will receive an access code to enter the class that will be sent to your student email. If you have any difficulties, email me ASAP. 


    Contact Information: 

    Email your questions to stacia_lloyd@chino.k12.ca.us

    I am committed to all student and parent emails within 24 hours on the weekdays.




    Through Google Classroom, students will be assigned weekly classwork that aligns with essential standards and units of learning. Work will be monitored daily or weekly for completion, accuracy, and quality. Assignments are expected to be completed in a timely manner and will be graded accordingly. Per the English Department Policies no late work will be accepted unless arranged prior to due date. 


     book pic

    "The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens."

                                                                                                         Rainer Maria Rilke