Welcome To Mr. Wiechert's English Class
I will answer all emails recieved during the work week within 24 hours. Please try to send emails before 7:00pm if the need is not urgent.
Virtual Office Hours
Office hours have been suspended as part of the return to campus. There may be some opportunities for conferences offered as the need arises. These will be announced in class.
Class Access
We will be continue to use Google Classroom to access and submit assignments in order to avoid paper circulation as much as possible.
Students will need to check in on Google Classroom during their Asynchrounous days.
Asynchrounous Class Expectations
On days that student's are not attening class, they are expected to check in on the Google Classroom and answer and attendance question.
The attendance question must be submitted by 4:00pm that day.
Students will also have some work to complete. This will generally be an extention of the last in person class or work time to fininsh an assignment.
Make sure to check the work early in the day as it may be due by 4:00pm to allow me to review it before the next in person class.
Parents and Students, please check the Announcements page frequently for the most up to date information for all classes.