•  A. Reyes Revised Syllabus

    Welcome to CHHS Art Department 2024-2025, Mr. Reyes' Art Classes.

    All instruction will be on our Google Classroom (GC) accounts through CHHS.

    Weekly grades are tabulated through GC.

    Attendance and Final grade reporting are done through Aeries.


    All information for Mr. Reyes' classes will be on this site for:

    Art Fundamentals              Periods 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6.

    Drawing & Painting I/II      Period 3


    Student assistance during lunch and after school on Tuesday & Thursday by appointment.


    CHHS Phone: 909-606-7540 x5260A.Reyes.Art.Dept.



  • Welcome to Chino Hills High School Art Department!
    A class supply list is avaiable in the syllabus for A.F. and D&P
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