•  Welcome to Mrs. Montoya's Distance Learning Classroom. Please check your class period's Google Classroom here for daily lessons:

    Health 1st period:https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTIyNzA1Njg3OTc3

    SAI English 9 2nd period:https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTIyNjk1NzcxOTkw

    Collab English 9 3rd period : (TBA)

    Collab English 9 4th period: (TBA)

    Study Skills 6th period: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTIyNzEwODY0NDMw 

    Bell Schedule: 

    Monday CPT: You will attend all your classes. 

    Period 1   9:05 - 9:40

    Period 2   09:50-10:25

    Period 3    10: 35 - 11:10

    Lunch       11:20-11:55

    Period 4     11:55-12:25

    Period 5     12:35-1:10 

    Period 6      1:20-1:55

    Tuesday and Thursday:  Block Schedule

                                          Period 1   8:20 - 9:40

                                           Period 2   10:10-11:30

                                           Lunch       11:30-12:10

                                           Period 3    12: 15 - 1:35

    Wednesday and Friday:  Block Schedule

                                          Period 4   8:20 - 9:40

                                           Period 5  10:10-11:30

                                           Lunch       11:30-12:10

                                           Period 6    12: 15 - 1:35

    Contact information:

    • maria_montoya@chino.k12.ca.us 

    Virtual Office Hours

    • Health: Tuesday & Thursday 7:30 -8:15 
    • SAI English 9: Wednesday & Friday 1:35-2:20
    • I will be at my computer and available to answer emails. You may still email me at any time outside of office hours, but my response may take longer.



    • Students will submit their work via Google Classroom.

      Assignments will be due by 11:59 p.m. on that date.

      Assessments will be announced on Google Classroom.

      Grades will still be available through Aeries.

      An updated syllabus will be available