

Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Scott Calles

Chino Hills HS Alumni, Class of 2011!

BA in English (Univ. Of Phoenix)

MA in Secondary Education (Univ. Of Phoenix)


I am committed to responding to all emails within 24 hours on the weekdays. 



  • 2022 English Syllabus 

    Mr. Calles 


    Course Overview: This course is designed to enhance writing, reading, speaking, and critical thinking skills that will aid students in securing a successful future – personally, professionally, and academically.  Students will work in both individual and collaborative settings to develop these skills. 


    Grading System: Students will earn grades based on a point system.  Additionally, points will be assigned a weighted category (see chart below).   

    Text Box 

    Weighted Categories 


      Writing/Projects/Quizzes 60% 


     Classwork/homework/Participation 40%  





    *All students are required to keep graded papers until the end of each grading period.   Grade changes will be made if the original, graded assignment is provided. 


    Student Expectations:  Students should enter the class at the assigned time with all their needed supplies.  Students are expected to participate in class discussions and refrain from unnecessary disruptions 


    Late Work and Missing Assignments:  Per the English department policy, no late work will be accepted.  Absent work may be made up without a loss of points, for EXCUSED ABSENCES ONLY.  Per district policy, students have one day for each day missed to make up any missed work.  If a student is absent the day an assignment is due, it must be turned in the day he or she returns.  However, all long-term assignments (e.g. essays, book reports, projects) must be submitted on or before the due date, regardless of an absence.   


    Outside Reading Requirement: Each six-week grading period, students must read 300 pages to fulfill the outside reading requirement.  The book MUST be approved, by the designated approval date, in order to do a book talk/report.  Although the genre and specific book report for each report may vary throughout the year, students must read a minimum of 300 pages each six-weeks.  If a book does not have 300 pages, the student must either read another book to make up the difference or accept credit only for the percentage of 300 pages read.  This is commonly referred to on campus as SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) requirement and is standard for all English students.  The book talks/reports give students the opportunity to read books that interest them and to discuss them.   



    Classroom Rules 

    1. Treat yourself and others with respect at all times. 

    1. Be in your seat and ready to work when class starts 



    Essays turned in on Most essays will be turned in on Students will be responsible for adding an account and uploading essays to this site.  Every paper that is submitted on has a drop dead date, that is, the window will close for submitting work at a designated time.  Once the window closes, no work will be accepted.  All work must be downloaded to this site; there is no hard copy that is handed in during class. This prepares students for college, as many universities use it.  Also, it assures the teacher that the work is done by the student turning it in and not plagiarized.   Because essays are uploaded online, please plan accordingly. That is, you may have to spend some time at the library, or at a friend’s house, or any place you know that has Internet access. Prior to your first required essay, directions for accessing will be given to help students register an account.  



    Cheating and Plagiarism: I have a zero-tolerance policy for cheating and plagiarism.  Students who choose to cheat or plagiarize will receive an automatic zero for the assignment.  Additionally, a referral will be written to document the incident. 

    Cheating:  Cheating is the unauthorized use of books, notes, or assistance from another person on any assignment without permission from the teacher (e.g. exams, essays, homework). 

    Plagiarism: The use of another’s work without indication of the source, and passing off the work as one’s own.  To avoid plagiarism, be sure to use proper MLA citation (this will be discussed further in class). 


    Required Materials 

    Students must have the following materials when requested by teacher: 

    • Literature book or sections of the literature book 

    • SSR book (for book report requirement) 



    Assignment Guidelines:  The following is a list of requirements for completing class assignments.  Failure to follow any of the guidelines will result in a zero for that assignment, so please follow the directions carefully. 

    • Always write in complete sentences. 

    • Turn in all classwork when instructed to do so.