• Welcome to Mrs. Diffine's Classroom!

    Contact Information:
    Email: paige_diffine@chino.k12.ca.us
    I will respond to emails within 48 hours. 

    Phone Call Office Hours: 
    9:30-10:30am & 3:30-5:00pm

    Although all activities are provided in class, please see below for any additional resources you find useful for extra practice:

    Calendar/Morning Work
    Calendar Math Worksheet
    Morning Work

    Personal Information
    Personal Information

    Category Sorting
    -Materials: Scissors, glue stick, magazine/grocery store ad.
    -Directions: Have your child find 5 items to cut, paste, and sort by groups under each of the specified categories. For example, 5 fruits and 5 vegetables.
    -Sorting Ideas: Colors, Shapes, Dessert vs. Breakfast, Winter Clothes vs. Summer Clothes, etc.
    Grocery Sorting Example
    Weather Sorting Example

    Life Skills Matching
    Life Skills Matching

     Counting/Money Games
    -Free online way to keep up with money practice.
    Counting Money

    Vocation Vocabulary
    -The below resources are meant to be "errorless". Have your child work on the Level(s) that would best fit their needs. 
    -Level 1: Students can circle the option that they prefer. For further modification, you can cover two out of three of the word choices and guide your child to the answer.
    -Level 2: First, students can color the image on the right to match the provided image on the left. Second, cut out the images in the boxes at the bottom of the worksheet. Third, paste the images where they belong on the line to complete the sentence. *As your child works on each sentence, they can also trace the words provided.
    -Level 3: First, use the first page of visuals to cut and paste the matching community sign or worker. Second, trace the words provided and circle the option desired to complete the sentence. Third, write the circled word on the line.
    -Level 4: (Same directions as Level 3).
    -Level 5: (Refer to other Levels for vocabulary examples). First, draw the chosen community sign or worker. Second, label the community sign or worker on the first centered line. Third, write 2-3 sentences about the word.
    Community Signs- Level 1
    Community Signs- Level 2
    Community Signs- Level 3
    Community Signs- Level 4
    Community Signs- Level 5
    Community Workers- Level 1
    Community Workers- Level 2
    Community Workers- Level 3
    Community Workers- Level 4
    Community Workers- Level 5

    Additional Recommendations: