• Learning Platform
    GoogleClassroom will be used to in-class as well as at home.  Students are expected to bring daily their own Chromebook fully charged and ready to go to class everyday. Most lessons will be distributed via GoogleClassroom. 

    Instructional Plans/ Routines for the Week 
    The course is heavily focused on listening and speaking.  We will be exposed to many new words and grammatical points.  In order to keep ourselves on track, there may be a "pop" quiz every Thursday.  We will have a timewrite every 6 weeks. There will be a unit test every 2 weeks (subject to change)  There will be a Road-to-Proficiency Assessment 3~5 times a semester.  Furthermore, we will also explore diversely rich cultural affairs of Hispanic countries.  The ultimate goal of this course is to appreciate and respect various cultural practices/products/perspectives of the Hispanic heritage. 

    Students are expected to take classnotes and record all vocabulary in a very tightly organized Spanish Class ONLY notebook.  Please see below Classroom Expectations for more information. 

    Grades will be updated through Aeries.  Aeries is regularly updated - real time/ weekly / biweekly etc.  Any questions/ discrepancies must be addressed by the end of every 3week cluster.  Please see below Classroom Expectations for more information.   

    Spanish 1 Scope and Sequence
    Please see below attached document

    Classroom Expectations
    Please visit Course Syllabus and Expectations


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