Welcome to Spanish 2
Contact information
Email: Z_LariosContreras@chino.k12.ca.us
I will answer emails within 48 hours. -
Office Hours: I am available for tutoring or make up assessments Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 - 8:30 am.
Grades will continue to be posted in aeries, and updated on a weekly basis.
Assignments are due the day scheduled. The teacher reserves the right to grade late work but points will be deducted on assignments. Please refer to the syllabus.
Welcome students to Spanish 2!
The first day of classes I'll be welcoming you to my classroom. Please come ready to meet everyone. You don't need to bring any materials the first day.
Sra. Larios
Syllabus - Spanish 2
I'll be sharing a printed copy of the syllabus on Tuesday. Once you have a copy, please review it with your parents/tutors, and fill out the information on the back. Scan and post in Google Classroom by Friday, August 11th.