

    Welcome to Mr. Collins'

    2024-25 Engineering Page

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    Check GOOGLE CLASSROOM daily.

    Announcements, assignments, weekly schedules, distribution of course resources, and submission of work will be communicated through Google Classroom. 













     Class Access


    We will be using Google Classroom to post and submit electronic assignments. Each student will receive an access code to enter the class that will be sent to your student email and posted here for your reference. If you have any difficulties, please email me ASAP.


    All important information such as the course syllabus, calendar, assignments, and other pertinent resources will be shared on GOOGLE CLASSROOM

    Submission of work, assessment information, and grades/feedback will be communicated through Aeries. 


    REMEMBER: When logging into GOOGLE CLASSROOM, be sure to use your CVUSD Google Account





    Introduction to Engineering Design (IED) is a high school level foundation course in the PLTW Engineering
    Program. In IED students are introduced to the engineering profession and a common approach to the solution
    of engineering problems, an engineering design process. Utilizing the activity-project-problem-based (APB)
    teaching and learning pedagogy, students will progress from completing structured activities to solving open-
    ended projects and problems that require them to develop planning, documentation, communication, and other
    professional skills.

    Through both individual and collaborative team activities, projects, and problems, students will solve problems
    as they practice common engineering design and development protocols such as project management and peer
    review. Students will develop skill in technical representation and documentation of design solutions according
    to accepted technical standards, and they will use current 3D design and modeling software to represent and
    communicate solutions. In addition the development of computational methods that are commonly used in
    engineering problem solving, including statistical analysis and mathematical modeling, are emphasized. Ethical
    issues related to professional practice and product development are also presented.







    Civil Engineering and Architecture (CEA) is a high-school-level specialization course in the
    PLTW Engineering Program. In CEA students are introduced to important aspects of building
    and site design and development. They apply math, science, and standard engineering
    practices to design both residential and commercial projects and document their work using 3-D
    architectural design software. Using the activity-project-problem-based (APB) teaching and
    learning pedagogy, students will progress from completing structured activities to solving open-
    ended projects and problems that require them to develop planning, documentation,
    communication, and other professional skills.

    Through both individual and collaborative team activities, projects, and problems, students solve
    problems as they practice common design and development protocols, such as project
    management and peer review. Students will develop skills in engineering calculations, technical
    representation and documentation of design solutions according to accepted technical
    standards, and use of current 3-D architectural design and modeling software to represent and

    communicate solutions.





    Principles of Engineering (POE) is a foundation course of the high school engineering pathway. This survey course
    exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course
    of study. Through problems that engage and challenge, students explore a broad range of engineering topics,
    including mechanisms, the strength of materials and structures, automation, and kinematics. The course applies
    and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology.

    Students have the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-,
    and problem-based (APB) learning. By solving rigorous and relevant design problems using engineering and
    science concepts within a collaborative learning environment, APB learning challenges students to continually
    hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities, and problem solving skills. Students will also learn how to
    document their work and communicate their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community.
    It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of



    Engineering Design and Development (EDD) is the capstone course in the PLTW high school engineering program.
    It is an open-ended engineering research course in which students work in teams to design and develop an
    original solution to a well-defined and justified open-ended problem by applying an engineering design process.

    Students will perform research to select, define, and justify a problem. After carefully defining the design
    requirements and creating multiple solution approaches, teams of students select an approach, create, and test
    their solution prototype. Student teams will present and defend their original solution to an outside panel. While
    progressing through the engineering design process, students will work closely with experts and will continually
    hone their organizational, communication and interpersonal skills, their creative and problem solving abilities, and
    their understanding of the design process.

    Engineering Design and Development is a high school level course that is appropriate for 11th and 12th grade students.
    Since the projects on which students work can vary with student interest and the curriculum focuses on problem
    solving, EDD is appropriate for students who are interested in any technical career path. EDD should be taken as
    the final capstone PLTW course since it requires application of the knowledge and skills introduced during the
    PLTW foundation courses.








     Its the Bulldog Way