Williams, Angela
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Chemistry Honors
This Week's Events: Updated on 10.04.18
***Starting 10.08.18, Google Classroom will be your source for current and upcoming Assignments and Assessments.***
Monday - Due: Worksheet Subatomic Particles. Finish PT notes. Computer Lab - PEN Enrichment Activity (P.1-due Wednesday, P.6-due Tuesday)
*See GC for new Assignments*
Tuesday - Due: Kahoot! PT Review (file in the GC), PT Trends Notes, PEN Activity (if needed) Computer Lab.
Due: GC assignment on the New Element at 11:59 pm.
Wednesday - Due: Rubric for The New Element...
Thursday - TBD
Friday - Quiz: Periodic Table/Trends.
This Week's Events: Updated on 09.27.18
Monday - Due, Lab: Classifying Matter. See Lab Format/CER Writing, click on Lab Format/CER Writing.
Handout for Unit 2: Matter Test Review on Tuesday (study the guided notes on Matter, scientific methods scenarios that you did, and the process/application of classifying matter in identifying the unknown).
The periodic table introduction, finally!
Tuesday - Unit 2: Matter Test (multiple choice and FRQs). Turn in your NBs for grading on Classifying Lab.
Wednesday - Build an Atom Simulation (Computer Lab).
Thursday - Due: The history of the atom project.
Friday - Due: Phet Sim. (not P.3) Distinguishing among atoms, Bohr Model Practice
- To read Mrs. Williams' Chemistry Notebook Rules, click on Chemistry Notebook Rules.
- For Components of Good Procedure Writing, click here.
- For Lab Format and CER Writing, click on Lab Format/CER Writing.
Week's Agenda-Updated on 09.15.18
Monday - Re-quiz on Top 47 Elements - Part 1. Finish Unit 2 Matter notes. Pre-lab.
Tuesday - Re-quiz on Elements - Part 2. Notebooks for stamping. Up to page 21. Lab Day.
Wednesday - Google Classroom set-up Due!!! Unit 2: Matter Quiz, Post-lab. Notebook stamping-up to page 21.
Thursday - Quizlet Live, Periodic Table Introduction, The History of the Atom Project (in the Google Classroom).
Due- Oobleck Activity and write up on NB # 25.
Friday - Final Quiz: Top 47 Elements to Know Quiz. Periodic Table Introduction. Review for Unit 2 Test on Tuesday.