Website Links
(A = article / G = graphics / V = video)
* Annual Salary by State
* Work Ethic
* AP Class Credits by College - search for the number of credits and college equivalency for AP classes
* Studying 101: Study Smarter Not Harder
* Top 10 Life Benefits of Time Management
* Procrastination
* Concept Maps
* Omni Atlas - click on the links for historical maps by region
* The Invention of Time (article)
* 18 Unusual Maps - scroll through *interesting* maps on various topics
Ancient History / Western Thought
* Classic Greek Architecture (website)
* Greek and Latin Roots .
* Middle Ages - summary (video)
* List of Revolutions (Wikipedia)
* Composers - Happy Birthday - "classical" composers' versions of happy birthday
The French Revolution
* History of Monarchy Government
* Changes in Fashion - beginning of long pants
* Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite - Exploring the French Revolution
* The Metric System
Industrial Revolution
* History of Flushing Toilets
* How to Use a Washboard
* Historical Laundry
* How to Card Cotton
* How to Spin Yarn on a Spinning Wheel
* How to Use a Shuttle on a Loom
* How to Weave on a Traditional Loom
* Weaving on Mount Vernon's 18th Century Loom
* How it's Made: Fabrics (modern)
* (A) Trains: Stephenson's Rocket
* (V) Street Life - late 1800s/early 1900s
* Largest Armies in World 1820-2022 (video)
* WWI in Photos - click on the links to scroll through the pictures and descriptions based on topic
* Artillery of WWI
* Photos of WWI - black and white pictures from a Canadian website
* (V) French Artillery Crew - Pathe News (primary source)
* WWI in Color - Facebook page: "WW1 Colourised Photos"
* WWI Themes and Articles - both provide articles about WWI based on topics
* Lost Battalion Archives - website w/ primary & secondary sources about the Lost Battalion (includes a roster)
* WWI Nurse's Story - Katherine Hannan's story of being a nurse in WWI and through the influenza pandemic
* Treaty of Versailles - punishment of Germany
* Germany Makes Last WWI Reparation Payment - 2010 news article
Inter-War Years / Rise of Totalitarian Leaders
* Hindenberg airship crash - video of the zeppelin crashing in 1937
* Hyperinflation - top 5 worst examples of hyperinflation
* Review of WWII Causes (article)
* WWII Battles (article)
* WWII Casualties by Country (video)
Cold War
* How Are Socialism and Communism Different? .
* VHS vs Betamax - Youtube video of Engineer Guy examining the difference between the two video systems
* History of Post-It Notes
* The Surprisingly Interesting History of Margarine (article)
Modern / Current Events
* Sept. 11th Memorial / Timeline
* CIA Factbook: Country Profiles
* United Nations: Dept of Economic and Social Afairs
* Currency Exchange