Books Stacked on a Shelf
  • What is D.E.A.R.? 

    • Drop Everything And Read.  This year we will be implementing silent sustained reading in English classes. Students are responsible to have their book with them every day as they will be expected to read in class 2-3 days for 10-15 minutes and anytime they finish an assessment. The students are expected to read about 400 pages each semester. Some students may finish more than one book. 
    • Each semester, students will complete a report/project to demonstrate analysis, critical thinking skills, and development of good reading habits.
    • Parents: Please have your student discuss their book choices with you to ensure they are appropriate for your child and the classroom setting. Please email me with any questions or concerns. 
    • Students: Please discuss your book choices with your parents to ensure they are appropriate for you and for the classroom setting.