    No Summer Work. See below.
    Summer Review: Optional
    Overview for the Summer and Fall
    1. Review and familiarize: Basic Japanese Grammar Powerpoint, Basic Japanese Grammar Book Chapter 1-3 Powerpoint
    2. Familiarize: AP Final Sentence Structure Worksheet 
    3.  Familiarize: JLPT N5 and N4 Sentences, Audio and conversation.
    4. National Japanese Exam PowerPoint 
    5. Listening comprehension: Various situations - School Announcement, weather forecast, etc. 
    1. Watch NHK World, Begin Japanology or equivalent regarding Japanese language, culture or etiquette on a weekly basis and submit your reflections and analysis to: keane_misawa@chino.k12.ca.us
    GUIDELINES: 8 reflections 
    1. 2 pages minimum. Double-spaced.  Word Document
    2. Demonstrate your understanding of the workshop content
    3.  Reflect on its significance
    4.  Discuss it's influence on society today or the steps Japanese society has taken to preserve this segment.
    2.  Listen to selected audio files posted. (5 files)
    Situational conversation, announcements, etc.  
    GUIDELINES: 5 Audio Files
    1. Listen to each file.  You must be able to answer the following:
    A. What is this audio file trying to tell you?
    B. What are the key points (important information) that is relayed in this audio file?
    C. What is the setting?  Where does it take place?
    Follow various Instagram, Tiktok or YouTube accounts. 
    Review Padlet that was created for the Japanese Program.
    Download Apps for practice
    Watch TV shows, Anime, Dramas, Movies and listen to Japanese music!


    Advanced Placement Japanese - Level 4:

    Semester 1:

    • Genki Book 2, Part 4: Chapters 13-16

    Weeks 1-9: Chapters 13-16

    • Chapter 13: Expressing gratitude and making apologies.
    • Chapter 14: Discussing work and part-time jobs.
    • Chapter 15: Talking about technology and social media.
    • Chapter 16: Describing customs and traditions.

    Semester 2:

    • Genki Book 2, Part 4: Chapters 17-20, 21-23

    Weeks 10-18: Chapters 17-20

    • Chapter 17: Talking about experiences and achievements.
    • Chapter 18: Expressing hopes and aspirations.
    • Chapter 19: Discussing environmental issues.
    • Chapter 20: Making suggestions and giving reasons.

    Weeks 19-27: Chapters 21-23

    • Chapter 21: Review and comprehensive practice.
    • Chapter 22: Review and comprehensive practice.
    • Chapter 23: Review and comprehensive practice.