City of Chino
CHS Flyer
  • Chino Human Services
    1. Address: Carolyn Owens Community Center, 13201 Central Ave, Chino, CA 91710
    2. Hours of operation: 
    Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
    Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
    Closed Saturday and Sunday
    3. Cost: (No insurance needed to qualify for the prices below)
    • $10 per session: Chino Residents
      • *Free services available based on eligibility
      • Must show proof of residency
    • $30 per session: Non-Chino Residents
    4. How to sign up: Register by filling out the Counseling Interest Form at or by calling 909-334-3259. 
    5. Social Media:


    *For sessions during the school year on campus, please see the Counseling office for referral forms