JULY 16, 2020

    Dear CVUSD Parents and Guardians,  

    Tonight the CVUSD Board of Education adopted a resolution that the 2020/2021 reopening plan would provide for a Blended Learning model districtwide to limit the number of students on District campuses, and Distance Learning instruction for students who are medically fragile or would be put at risk of COVID-19. This plan for the 2020/2021 school year will provide the greatest flexibility for change during the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic, while avoiding disruption to our students’ education.
    The results of the July Parent Choice Survey revealed that 70% of students and families will be on the Blended Learning model, while 30% will be on the Distance Learning model. However, recent developments on COVID-19 in our local community and guidance from local county Public Health experts are now requiring that the Blended Learning students begin the 2020-2021 school year on August 10, 2020 (and August 3, 2020 for Cal Aero Track D) on a temporary Distance Learning model until the projected transition to in-person Blended Learning on Monday, August 31, 2020. As will be the case for as long as we must navigate this pandemic, the District is prepared to shift from Blended to Distance and back again.
    We have stated in the past that students who choose Distance Learning may not be assigned to their home school teacher(s). However, our plan to offer both the Blended Learning model and the Distance Learning model based on parent choices on the July survey will provide the most reassurance that students will remain with the same teacher for the entire school year. We know that avoiding disruption in our students’ learning environment is one way we can proactively respond to unpredictable pandemic waves while providing the highest level of education for our children. For this reason, I want to reiterate that any requested changes from Distance Learning to Blended Learning or vice versa, will be reviewed at the trimester and semester breaks and approved if space allows.
    I know that you may have more questions that are not answered in this letter. Our Frequently Asked Questions on the District website is regularly being updated, and I invite you to revisit that at: https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/37053
    To our CVUSD parents, teachers, staff and students, I want to applaud our collective efforts as we have done remarkably well working together since this global pandemic first impacted our lives and schools in March. With the new school year just around the corner, I want to thank you again for your partnership and ask for your continued patience and faith that we will get through this together. Please know that our students’ education along with our students’ and staff wellbeing is not an either/or proposition but equal priorities for our school district. I am optimistic that we are doing the best that we can to make this next school year a success.

    Norm Enfield, Ed.D.