MARCH 20, 2020



    Dear Parents and Guardians:

    Thank you for your patience during these constantly changing times. Yesterday afternoon, I alerted our community that CVUSD will extend school closures to May 1, 2020. Last night, Governor Gavin Newsom issued a statewide directive for people to remain in their homes except for essential employees and for essential errands.  Please know that I and the District are continuing to work to navigate this new normal and will continue to provide essential services to our students, including meals and education. 

    This letter will outline the most updated information for you, given our new state directives and our new school closure schedule. Please be assured that everything we have planned is consistent with public health guidelines, including practicing social distancing whenever individuals are required to be in contact with others or you for essential services


    • March 20-March 27: Spring Break. 
    • March 30-May 1: Schools closed to students. Distance Learning/Education begins.


    It is our mission to continue educating our students even though they are not physically attending classes. This education will take place through online extended learning plans and distance learning classrooms that can be accessed online. Students/Parents and families should check their teachers' classroom web page located on the school website under the "Classroom" menu tab daily.

    Extended learning plans and distance learning classrooms will be available beginning March 30, 2020. The extended learning plans and distance learning classrooms can also be accessed through the home page of the District website.


    Families who do not have access to the technology required to support the extended learning plans and distance learning classrooms will be supported. Requests for technology equipment will be available using the CVUSD Technology Checkout Form HERE  through Monday, March 23, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. 

    In order to comply with the Governor’s new directives, technology equipment distribution times and locations have been MODIFIED. The March 25 and 26 District site pick up option is CANCELLED and ALL technology will now be distributed as follows:

    • Pick up will take place at students’ individual school site between Monday, March 30 - April 1, 2020 for all families.

    • Students’ school site personnel will contact parents directly with information on specific date and time for pick up. 

    Technology equipment provided by CVUSD will be filtered in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and will only include access to sites required to support distance learning. Only websites and resources categorized as being required for educational use will be allowed. CVUSD technology equipment will not allow access to things such as online gaming, downloading of movies, inappropriate adult content, etc., and will only be able to access online educational tools.


    Meal service will continue for students throughout the duration of school closures, except during our regularly scheduled spring break of March 20-27, 2020. For community meal resources during spring break, click HERE for more information.

    Monday, March 30 – Friday, May 1, 2020:
    Nutritious Grab-and-Go meals will be available for curbside pick-up at the following seven CVUSD school site locations for breakfast and lunch between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Students must be present for food pick up.  

    Briggs K-8                                                Cal Aero                                              Canyon Hills
    11880 Roswell Ave.                           15850 Main St.                                2500 Madrugada Dr.
    Chino, CA 91710                                 Chino, CA 91710                            Chino Hills, CA 91709

    Magnolia                                                  Ramona                                          
    13150 Mountain Ave.                       4575 Walnut Ave.
    Chino, CA 91710                                 Chino, CA 91710

     Townsend                                               Woodcrest
    15359 Ilex Dr.                                        2723 S. Campus Ave.
    Chino Hills, CA 91709                       Ontario, CA 91761

     If you have any questions regarding service times or locations, please contact the Nutrition Services Department at (909) 628-1202 ext. 1500.


    In accordance with our school closure schedule and State of California directives, all student field trips, activities and sports scheduled to take place now through May 1, 2020 are CANCELLED. 

    Please note, while we hold out hope that we may have opportunities to proceed with student activities scheduled to take place after May 1, 2020, we should all anticipate the possibility that events and activities scheduled for the month of May 2020 may be cancelled as well.


    In order to provide continuity of care to existing CVUSD Health Center patients, the CVUSD staff and providers will be available for phone consultation to address health complaints and link patients to medical services. Patients can contact the clinic's main phone number, (909) 628-1201 Ext. 8935, and the clinic staff will regularly check voice messages and coordinate provider phone consultation accordingly.

    Please note that the CVUSD Health Clinic will not be open for in-person appointments in order to comply with social distancing measures.


    If you have any other school-related questions, email your school principal directly. 

    CVUSD will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation and notify students and families if school closures will continue beyond May 1, 2020. We will always keep you updated with timely information either directly via Aeries Communications email, text or phone message; on our District website; or on our District social media channels. For information and updates, please be sure you are signed up for Aeries Communications notices, and check the following CVUSD information resources regularly:

    Thank you for your support and partnership during this unprecedented time to help ensure the health and well-being of our CVUSD family. 


    Norm Enfield, Ed.D.
    Superintendent of Schools