• November 19, 2021

    Dear CVUSD Parents and Guardians:

    To alleviate confusion and correct misinformation regarding Governor Newsom’s plan to add the COVID-19 vaccine to the list of required school vaccinations, the CVUSD Health Services Department would like to share the following:

    • As of today, November 19, 2021, the COVID-19 vaccine mandate is NOT in effect.
    • A COVID-19 vaccination exemption application is currently not applicable and therefore, not available for parents or guardians to complete.
    • According to an October 25, 2021, communication provided by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Governor Newsom’s office, the vaccination requirement is anticipated to go into effect for students in grades 7-12 on July 1, 2022. The requirement for grades K-6 will be implemented thereafter.
    • If you would like to provide your opinion, comments, or input about this new regulation or on the rulemaking process associated with the COVID-19 vaccination mandate, please direct those to the CDPH at https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Pages/contact_us.aspx.

    The District understands the sensitivity of this matter and remains committed to communicating updates with the community as they become available. To receive updates distributed by the District, please:

    • Contact your school site to confirm your preferred communication preference, phone number, and email address are current in the Aeries portal.
    • Visit the District website at https://www.chino.k12.ca.us/Page/26942 to view all past, current, and future COVID-19 related updates to the community.
    • Follow ChinoValleyUSD on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for district updates.

    Thank you for your collaboration.

    CVUSD Health Services Department