• Dear CVUSD Parents and Guardians: 

    During a press conference held earlier this morning, Governor Newsom announced that students attending California schools will be required to get vaccinated against COVID-19. As the Governor’s office did not share this information before his press conference this morning, districts throughout the state were unaware of this development. However, CVUSD will be conferring with state and local agencies to provide our district community with details regarding the Governor’s new mandate. 

    In the meantime, based on the Governor’s announcement today, the following information has been provided: 

    • The COVID-19 vaccine will be treated similarly to the ten existing vaccines currently required by California law for students attending K-12 schools. 
    • The COVID-19 vaccination requirement will not apply until COVID-19 vaccines are given full authorization by the FDA, which could come as early as November for children 12 to 17 years of age (with authorization for younger children likely to occur early 2022). 
    • Depending on the date of full FDA authorization, the Governor is targeting either January 1, 2022, or July 1, 2022, for adding COVID-19 to the list of required vaccinations. 
    • The COVID-19 vaccination requirement is for students attending school for in-person instruction. A student who is not vaccinated may enroll in independent study but may not attend in-person instruction. 
    • The COVID-19 vaccination requirement will be implemented utilizing a phased approach: 
      1. Phase 1: Students in Grades 7-12 (ages 12+)  
      2. Phase 2: Students in Grades K-6 
    • Exemptions are available as is the case with other vaccinations: 
      1. Medical reasons 
      2. Personal beliefs

    Please note, the Governor’s announcement does not change the October 15 CDPH order requiring vaccination verification or testing for all K-12 staff working in district and school facilities. However, the Governor has stated that the testing option will be eliminated for staff in the future so that vaccination requirements for staff are as rigorous as those for students. 

    We will continue to keep you informed as additional information becomes available. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 



    Norm Enfield, Ed.D.